Gel Nails

I use to try to kid myself and always say you don't like fake nails or have to have your nails painted.  Well I really don't like the fake nails, I DO LOVE to have my nails painted.  I am not total girly girl my toes and finger have to match or anything. In fact I like when they are the same shades or like black and orange, black and red, blue and yellow, blue and red, you know like that, if I have that much time to put into painting them.
anyhow I was gifted a few months back a nail day.  It was so nice and I received Gel Nail polish.  I fell in love, but not when I seen the price.  OUCH
I started googling and looking for coupons.  I have a Sally's membership, so I waited till I had enough in coupons and bought a Nail LED light.  Super Cheap after rewards and 75% coupon I paid $19 I think for it.  I received a nice little kit with it. Base polish, 2 colors, top coat.  The Soak off Gel and the dehydrate and wipe off solution.  I started shopping on EBAY - gosh it takes a month to receive the polish but they are a $1.00 to $3.00 a bottle and  a lot of sellers if you buy 3 or 4 then you get 1 free.  Shopping is usually almost always free.
Great deal right ?   These are some of the polishes I order and THIS is where i order some from.

For my soak off I now use a Gel Remover by OPI of course was bought on EBAY as well.  BUY HERE
I bought the pink finger tip caps for the soak off solution - you fill clear portion with solution soak then peel off.  Nice easy removal.  I bought these on EBAY as well but i am not sure who through and not in my records any longer. 


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